Oadby, Wigston and Blaby Locality Group
Our group looks at things that happen in Wigston, Blaby and Oadby, if there is a problem in our area that affects people with learning disabilities we try and get it sorted. Click here to see our Oadby and Wigston action plan.
Our next meeting is the 11th of March 2020.
To view our meeting dates for 2020 click here
To see our meeting papers click here.
You can contact us on 07907 593919
Email: wigstonblabyoadbylocality(at)gmail.com
You can contact Karen Davis on 07534227926 or karen.davis@leics.gov.uk Dipika Patel on 07715076831 or dipika.panel@leics.gov.uk
Click here for the Keep Safe Places in Oadby and Wigston and Blaby.