NHS LD COVID Vaccinations Clinic

learning disability - nhs vaccination

The next Learning Disability Clinic will be held at the Peepul Centre on Thursday the 25th of March 08:15-11:45.

This will be the last clinic until at least May so it is really important we encourage as many people as possible to book on. There will be no clinic on the 8th of April. We would really like to see as many people as possible attending next week

If you do not want to come to this clinic please wait for your GP practice to call you

Please use the link below to book an appointment:


If you are unable to use the link you can call this number and someone will help you to make the booking -mobile  07917594270. This number will be available Monday to Friday 0900-1700. Please do not leave a message on this phone.

You can only access the learning disability clinic using this link and this phone number. If you utilise any other link or call 119 to book an appointment at the Peepal Centre you will be booked into an ordinary clinic who may not be able to provide all of the adjustments that you need. The appointments available via this link are specifically for the learning disability clinic.

This clinic is for people with a learning disability who are over the age of 18 only as we administer the Astra Zeneca vaccine, please do not try to book if you do not have a learning disability or are under 18 years old.

You cannot have the vaccine if you have had COVID in the last 4 weeks

If this is your second dose you must let us know if you had any side effects from the first dose

It is helpful if you can let us know as part of the booking process any additional information that would make it easier for the person to access the venue eg quiet area or needs to be able to wait in the car. There are a number of reasonable adjustments we can make and will work with you to ensure the process runs smoothly on arrival.

Kind Regards

Sam Screaton

Learning Disability Primary Care Liaison Nurse